Get Your Sleep On Track Using Sleep Cycle!

Ever pull those “all nighters” because you’ve put off work, assignments, or projects till the last minute? Or maybe you’ve stayed up till three am binge watching your current Netflix series? Trust me, I’ve been there too many times. The problem with staying up that late is the fact that your only getting three or four hours of sleep; later waking up groggy and exhausted, and having to go to school/work.

Believe me, I’m a fan of binge watching Netflix until the early hours of the morning, but I want to help you out. So when you only get those precious four or five hours of sleep, you don’t wake up groggy.

Sleep cycle is an all inclusive alarm clock, sound machine, sleep pattern tracker, as well as so much more. Its capabilities are astonishing and absolutely amazing!

So, like I said, I have stayed up countless times watching Netflix, doing homework, studying for exams, or even just scrolling through social media. But I have something that makes waking up for school or work not so dreadful.

The best part about this app is it not only slowly wakes your body up out of deep sleep, but it does it in a way that slowly pulls your body from stage 4 sleep to stage 1.

This app allows you to choose a sound to help you fall asleep (ex: ocean, rain, white noise,) allows you to pick an alarm sound (ex: warm breeze,) allows you to see how long you were asleep for and the quality of each nights sleep (ex: tossing and turning, tracks your snoring, breathing patterns.)

By the time the apps last alarm goes off, I feel rejuvenated, awake, and ready to start my day (even if i only got four hours of sleep)

Getting you sleep on track and getting the number of hours needed is very important. Sleep deprivation can lead to depression, anger, lack of motivation, determination, and can change your mood drastically. Getting the recommended number of hours can be difficult and not possible due to your schedule, but at least suing Sleep Cycle can ensure you wake up not groggy, awake, and ready to take on another day.

See video linked below for my tutorial!








Walk A Mile In Their Shoes And See How You Feel

Social Anxiety and anxiety disorders in general are very prevalent in schools and social environments but rarely talked about in depth.

(SocialPhobia) statesSocial anxiety is the fear of social situations that involve interaction with other people. You could say social anxiety is the fear and anxiety of being negatively judged and evaluated by other people.  It is a pervasive disorder and causes anxiety and fear in most all areas of a person’s life.  It is chronic because it does not go away on its own.” (research essay)

Anxiety disorders, particularly social anxiety disorders are very common and many know of it, but don’t really know about it.

Having social anxiety makes daily encounters difficult and stressful for people who have extreme anxiety. Now with that said, not everyone with social anxiety reacts and acts the same way. Each persons has “triggers” that are unique to them. Its not 100% possible to know every single one of someones triggers and avoid them all, but your best option is to use social ques to your advantage. If you see that something you asked, said or did made the person your interacting with sweat, blush, and or stutter , just steer away from the subject and change the topic of conversation. 

“ Young adults with social anxiety/ phobia often become isolated and avoid interactions with other teens. This kind of self imposed isolation can make school a very lonely place.” (Anxiety Disorders- Chapter 5 page 50.)

The amount of in school and cyber bullying is horrendous. This is one of the main things that concerns me. Someone who already struggles with social anxiety is already hesitant to join social situations and speak their mind, but now, with others whom love the feeling of putting down others, bullying can easily increase the number of people who experience social anxiety.

Instead of just sitting around and waiting for someone to start a ripple of kindness, we should get out there and start one ourselves!

“The other day I was reading a short blurb about a Starbucks drive thru. One friendly customer offered to pay for the person behind them, whatever they got. Well what that person didn’t know was that their ONE act of kindness started a massive ripple effect. Following her, over 300 people then payed forward for the person behind them. Just ONE act of kindness and ONE social change affected hundreds. More people in this world who do simple, kind, generous acts, make this world a more loving, beautiful place. And if one person helps change the social normal of schools and make them a more accepting, loving, happy place, and take away all the judgement, embarrassment, and treat everyone equally, social anxiety individuals may become easier to cope with and learn how to get over.” (my research essay)

I hope an encourage anyone and everyone to take a look at my essay and share/tweet/send it to anyone and everyone who you think this could help! I posted the link to my blog post which has my uploaded paper.

Work Cited 

Connolly, Sucheta, et al. Anxiety disorders. New York, Chelsea House, 2006.

“Social Anxiety Fact Sheet: What is Social Anxiety Disorder? Symptoms, Treatment,Prevalence, Medications, Insight, Prognosis.” Social Anxiety Fact Sheet | Social Anxiety Association, Accessed 25 May 2017.



Social Anxiety Research Paper

My essay is as follows:

What is social anxiety? (SocialPhobia) statesSocial anxiety is the fear of social situations that involve interaction with other people. You could say social anxiety is the fear and anxiety of being negatively judged and evaluated by other people.  It is a pervasive disorder and causes anxiety and fear in most all areas of a person’s life.  It is chronic because it does not go away on its own.” Many people think of social anxiety as solely the fear of being judged/embarrassed when being the “center of attention” or “put in the spotlight,” but it’s so much more than that. Having social anxiety impairs adolescents and adults from being able to be themselves. It hinders their confidence level greatly and restricts their ability to feel welcomed into social situations. A social situation doesn’t just include school, work, and/or a crowded area, it also includes their house and home life. Having social anxiety can dramatically affect a person’s life, and more people than we think experience social anxiety everyday. Learning the triggers, pressures, fears and the road to healing anxiety disorders can not only benefit you, but everyone around you as well.

Having an anxiety disorder in general hinders your ability to interact in social situations, or in any setting. Having social anxiety crushes your confidence to the point where you no longer feel entitled as you should. Many people experiencing this and living with this tend to hibernate rather than explore. They find their safe haven and never feel the need to exit and rejoin social scenes.  Now I’m not saying every person with an anxiety disorder is the same way, but in a general sense, this is what happens. An anxiety disorder, like (social phobia) said is a “pervasive disorder,” that causes a great deal of fear and loss of confidence in all settings and situations in a person’s life. “Social settings” aren’t just out in public, or at a restaurant, or in a store; a social setting can be every place in your daily life. Your home is a social setting, your room is a social setting, places that you don’t generally think about being social are social settings. We all have our “happy place,” but some people can’t seem to find theirs because they don’t feel happy nor safe to be themselves anywhere. “When I wasn’t in class, I hid in the forgotten corners of the library. Day after day, I’d sit at my partitioned desk and eat my celo wrapped brownie from the vending machine and read the same book on anxiety over and over until I knew every word by heart.” (What You Must Think Of Me Chapter 4 Page 41) People who have social anxiety are aware of what is it and that they have it, but it’s the matter of trying to overcome it that is the most difficult part. “ Young people who suffer from social phobia may have distorted views of what others think of them, which can lead them to avoid school, or other situations in which they believe other peers will judge or criticizes them.” (Anxiety Disorders Chapter 5- Page 47) Fears of embarrassment and judgment are totally normal to the average human being. What some don’t fully understand is that people who live with social anxiety have those fears, but they are amplified. Every time someone says something a little hurtful, of course it bothers you, but you eventually get over it and everyone eventually forgets; but for the person with anxiety, that moment and those words and that setting all stick inside their head on replay, which causes them more fear, which eventually cases them to avoid that setting entirely.

Someone dealing with an anxiety disorder, especially a social anxiety disorder tend to over evaluate situations. To be exact, they evaluate each individual situation in five stages. “Stage one: solely the anticipation of a social situation; for example, “Everyone will hear me stutter, people will focus on every word I say.” Stage two: Negative Thoughts and Beliefs About Self and Situation; (negative mental representation of the self), Expectation of Negative Evaluation. For example, “ I am incompetent in social situations, no one will like me if I stutter.” Stage three: Attentional Biases and Self Focus, split into two categories: External cues and internal cues. For example, “External cues include audience’s faces, and responses to stuttering. Internal cues include shaking, sweating, blushing, and increased heart rate.” Stage four: Strategies to reduce threat/anxiety. This includes “ Safety Behaviours (mental rehearsal, using safe words) Avoidance (eye contact, words, situations), and Escape.”Finally stage five: “Post-Event Processing ( I couldn’t get any of my words out, I made such a fool of myself.””)  (“Maintenance of Social Anxiety in Stuttering: A Cognitive-Behavioral Model.”) The intense and meticulous thought process of someone with social anxiety is heartbreaking. No one should have to over analyze a situation to this extent all on the basis of the fear of being embarrassed and judged. Now I’m not saying there is an immediate solution, but there are ways others can help make situations a little less stressful for an individual. Part of that is learning the triggers and pressures people experience when dealing with anxiety. “There are a number of common triggers for Social Anxiety, and by far the most common one in my experience is speaking in front of an audience or giving a speech or presentation.” (Common Triggers of Social Anxiety.” Overcoming Social Anxiety and Shyness)

Not everyone triggers from the same things, triggers are unique to the individual dealing with social anxiety. For example, Sally might trigger when she is making small talk and get embarrased and uncomfortable, and Jason might trigger from people watching him while he is doing something. Helping someone is social situations whom has a hard time can dramatically change their definition of a social situation. If you see someone whom all of a sudden becomes uncomfortable, starts to sweat, blush, stutter, just do them a favor and back off a little on that topic of conversation or actions that made them this way, and switch topics, derail their anxiety and put the focus on something you know they are comfortable with.

Managing social anxiety might seem almost impossible, and avoiding social scenes seem like the best possible solution. But if people could learn how to invite and encourage others to join social scenes instead of push away and discourage others, things could change. In order to help people who are dealing with an anxiety disorder overcome it,  people need to be understanding, welcoming, and helpful. Having social anxiety and being so secluded makes it even harder to rewire their thoughts of social scenes from horrifying and change it to accepting, warm, and inviting. “ Young adults with social anxiety/ phobia often become isolated and avoid interactions with other teens. This kind of self imposed isolation can make school a very lonely place.” (Anxiety Disorders- Chapter 5 page 50.)  Middle school and high school can both be very stressful, but going through it alone can make it worse. Social anxiety is so prominent these days due to the increase of in school bullies, and cyber bullying. People no longer feel the safety and security of their homes because bullies are now everywhere. Now I’m not saying everyone with social anxiety has been or is being bullied, but it’s likely some people have experienced being bullied. Being bullied rapidly drops your self esteem, self confidence, and hinders your ability to truly be yourself. If people would realize what having an anxiety disorder feels like and walk a mile in their shoes, I’d hope bullying would decrease. That being said, we need to make school and other social setting even as broad as instagram a safe place. People need to feel comfortable going on social sites and to places and not even feel the need to stress over the thought of being judged or embarrassed or bullied. Some people need to stop being so narrow minded and judgemental in order to encourage everyone to join social settings and not dread going to school.  

This project and topic was my way of explaining in depth the causes and effects of social anxiety and how people can really positively or negatively affect your life. People can be very mean, judgemental, and bullies, but do they really know the effects of their actions? Because I’m hopeful that if they, themselves were in the opposite pair of shoes, they would never act that way again. Learning the depth of social anxiety and how it starts, effects, and changes people’s lives can not only help you, but everyone around you. YOU can be the starting factor of a ripple effect. ONE single act of kindness can cause an explosion The other day I was reading a short blurb about a starbucks drive thru. One friendly customer offered to pay for the person behind them, whatever they got. Well what that person didn’t know was that their ONE act of kindness started a massive ripple effect. Following her, over 300 people then payed forward for the person behind them. Just ONE act of kindness and ONE social change affected hundreds. More people in this world who do simple, kind, generous acts, make this world a more loving, beautiful place. And if one person helps change the social normal of schools and make them a more accepting, loving, happy place, and take away all the judgement, embarrassment, and treat everyone equally, social anxiety individuals may become easier to cope with and learn how to get over.


Work Cited Page


“Common Triggers of Social Anxiety.” Overcoming Social Anxiety and Shyness, Accessed 24 Apr. 2017.

Connolly, Sucheta, et al. Anxiety disorders. New York, Chelsea House, 2006.

Ford, Emily, et al. What you must think of me: a firsthand account of one teenager’s experience

with social anxiety disorder.

.Iverach, Lisa. “Maintenance of Social Anxiety in Stuttering: A Cognitive-Behavioral Model.”

American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 23 Mar. 2017,

“Social Anxiety Fact Sheet: What is Social Anxiety Disorder? Symptoms, Treatment,Prevalence, Medications, Insight, Prognosis.” Social Anxiety Fact Sheet | Social Anxiety Association, Accessed 25 May 2017.


Reaction to West Virginia Teen Who Hung His Dog For A Photo

For the past few weeks I’ve been reading online articles on various topics, and books on social anxiety. Being that shortly in the future I will be blogging about the effects of social anxiety in daily life, I decided to touch upon a subject that has me cringing just thinking about it.

Animal cruelty is something near and dear to my heart in which I will do everything in my power to have a say in getting justice for all the innocent animals abused and killed every year. This week I was reading popular trending articles when I stumbled upon one that made my heart fall. An innocent dog was hung from a tree to spike his owners amusement.

Animal cruelty and abuse is something that happens daily all over the world; and is something very close to my heart. The pain and suffering these innocent animals go through is repulsive to the point at which I feel sick when hearing these gruesome stories.

“Hanging with my dawg”

A teen from West Virginia was taking his dog on a walk through the woods when what he thought it would be a grand idea to hang his boxer by the leash in a tree and proceeded to post a photo with a big grin on his face.

Thousands of innocent animals are tortured, killed, beaten, and slaughtered for the amusement of inhumane individuals who walk this earth. Passionate isn’t even close to the correct term that I feel towards stopping this hateful act.

Just like aggression leads to abuse to animals, it then also links to human abuse as well.

Jacob Ryan.

Being the proud owner of a rescue dog, this immediately broke my heart. How could a human being be so cruel and heartless and do this to an innocent, terrified animal? The fact that most of these people never get the punishment they deserve sickens me to the point where I know something immediately needs to be done.

Referring to what I started my post off with: I’ve been reading many many articles and books on various topics. I originally thought that I was going to write about Diagnostic Medical Sonography and what it takes to excel in this profession. But after reading the horrific story of someone abusing their animal for pure amusement and then posting it on social media, I had to react to it.

I thank every single one of you for taking time out of your day to read my blogs! Thanks to the help of my english teacher and talented classmates whom worked so hard on our Reading Reasons, people from all over the world have viewed my blog.

This topic of animal abuse is very near to my heart and I felt strongly passionate to write about it in my post.

No one should ever have to experience abuse. No human, no animal, and no soul, because we are all meant to thrive and have wonderful lives.


“Punish West Virginia Teenager That Hung His Dog And Smiled For Photo! – The USA-NEWS”. The USA-NEWS. N. p., 2017. Web. 7 Apr. 2017.



You know my name, not my story.

Born Bright is a non-fiction book based on one girls life from rags to riches; a life few are able to gain, being they are robbed by the system. One can argue the saying “you cannot comment unless you have walked a mile in my shoes,” others feel they can comment with their knowledge on the subject. But is it the same?

Born Bright takes place in that contested territory and seeks to illuminate the seer fortitude it takes to navigate systems and structures designed for the success of a few rather than the many. Stated differently, the poor girl in me wants to explain why everyone does not make it out.”

Many can connect to the disabled, wrongly-structured systems that delegate impoverished areas. My previous book I read We Beat The Streets by Drs. Sampson Davis, George Jenkins and Rameck Hunt was about three men who grew up in inner city areas, and made it out, and made it big, along with very very few. Some argue that making it out of inner cities is just pure luck, and ones who don’t know the whole story see it as merely a lack of effort that more don’t thrive.

The author C. Nicole Mason, publicly speaks to crowds of upper-class men and women, telling them what they want to hear regarding the broken systems of inner city places and possible reasons solutions. Finally after not saying what was “appropriate” and would “ruffle any feathers,” the outcome was infuriating.

“I spoke about the need to examine the institutions and structures in society and in the communities that impede rather than support self-sufficiency and economic mobility for individuals and families.”

“This comment is for you Dr. Mason” she said. While she agreed that the systems did need some tinkering, she opined that was really missing from the equation was individual responsibility and that people needed to help themselves. A flash of heat washed over my body as I realized she was talking about me. In the moment, I was transported back to the countless hours as a child waiting with my mother for social services in over sized rooms in unmarked city buildings. At the break of dawn, we rose to catch several buses only to be told to come back on another day because we were missing some documentary or that our application was still under review. For their part, the social workers seemed contemptuous and treated us as if they were doing us a favor by allowing us to received ration-sized aid. Undeterred we would repeat the trip the following day.”

Just because these people work for companies and organizations that are looking for ways to improve the impoverished areas, doesn’t mean they have any personal knowledge on the topic.

Blame is a funny thing. Many people seek the blame others and things for problems that these people or things cannot control. Why? Because when you have someone to blame, the problem is no longer yours to deal with. Yes, these people live in these areas, and some might not try to get out, and some might not get up and fight for what they need and deserve, but there are the people who do try. And until you have seen with your own two eyes or lived in these situations, you cannot just point the finger.

Lets Get Personal…

Growing up with my mother, parents divorced, living paycheck to paycheck was hard. After my mom remarried we moved to a small quaint town named Upper Saddle River, the tip of Bergen County, where back then Juicy Couture track suits at $250 a piece were considered lounging wear. Coming from not having much, to others having everything was unsettling. As I grew up, many judged me solely on the town I lived in, yet not where I came from, and not my story. Frankly, most didn’t seem to care for my story, they cared that I either had the latest and greatest barbie doll, or did not. Yes I live in a nice town, but I’m not to be categorized by people who don’t know me for me. Yes I’m very fortunate and blessed, but I wasn’t raised like everyone else. Those who see my school and town are quickly to judge. Rather than “what’s your name?” it’s “what kind of car do you drive?”

People can be so quick to judge others and feel the need to chime in on topics that they have no personal knowledge of. Why? I don’t exactly know.

You think you know something, and maybe think you can relate, when in reality, you don’t know until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes.


Mason, C. Nicole. Born bright: a young girl’s journey from nothing to something in America. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2016. Print.

Picture: “Born Bright: A Young Girls Journey from Nothing to Something in America.” Amazon. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Jan. 2017

Virtual Reality Becomes Reality??

I know when I was a kid, everyone played the Wii, and we all had own own Mii character;which was basically our twin, but in animation form. Now, never did i actually think virtual reality would be taken to such an extent.

Thursday morning I was shown a post in class by Mark Zuckerberg, that quite frankly blew my mind, in a scared kind of way.

He proceeded to place these heavy goggles over his eyes, which allowed him to “enter” virtual reality. In which he began to see his colleges in animation form.

Let me start here.

That was freaky to the max. And also very unsettling. Instead of reacting in a positive way, this video made me feel the opposite.

Mark and his colleges where able to travel to varies parts of the world, and even to Mars. Again, still being freaked out. They were even able to “teleport” to Marks home to check on his dog Beast, while they weren’t actually inside the house, they were there. 

Although to some this may sound like the coolest piece of technology to ever exist today, to me, its just another reason why technology scares me.

So others can see me even if I cant see them?

Reading Reasons; Drop Your Stress by Picking up a Book.

Stress is one of the hardest things to cope with and understand and it can stem from anything. For students, it ranges from the excessive amounts of school work, jobs, sports, and the immense stress of applying and getting to college can break some people down. Stress doesn’t just affect high school and middle school students, it can affect anyone.

What if I told you that there was a way to reduce your stress, and lift some of the weight off of your shoulders? And that it only took six minutes. “The research was carried out on a group of volunteers by consultancy Mindlab International at the University of Sussex.”

The main concept of this study was to take subjects through a series of high pressure tests which elevated both their heart rate and stress level. Then subjects were taken out of the tests and given a book to read, as well as different methods of relaxation. Within six minutes their stress level and heart rate decreased tremendously, and the study proved that reading a book over the other methods of relaxation worked faster and more efficiently. 

“Subjects only needed to read, silently, for six minutes to slow down the heart rate and ease tension in the muscles, he found. In fact it got subjects to stress levels lower than before they started.”

I believe everyone relaxes differently, and the article agreed to an extent. For my sister, its curling up on the couch with a cup of coffee on a Sunday morning and diving back into her current series on Netflix. For my brother, its ordering Buffalo Wild Wings and flipping channels till he finds a football game on. And for me, its spending time with friends and family.

“As a stress reliever I turn to spinning at soul cycle, it is a big stress reliever for me and lets me focus on one main thing, allowing escape from reality for a while.” -Skylar

For my classmates, it was different for everyone as well. Everyone has their own way of reducing their stress and escaping reality for a while.

“Personally I get my anger out by hitting the ball down as hard as I possibly can while aiming at someone on the other team, maybe reading would help reduce some of my anger and stress before a game.” -Claire.

“When I’m stressed I like to go to the gym and then immediately head for the shower, I’d like to try reading first.” – Sam.

Six minutes? Yeah, surprisingly, that’s all it takes. Wondering if six minutes could actually calm my body down and slow down my thoughts for a minute, I decided to try this. Given that I’m not a reader, I was very skeptical. But to my surprise, it worked. I came home from school with two tests to prepare for, a paper to write, poster to finish, and absolutely no time. Instead of my usual breakdown, I chose to hop on the couch with my book and set a timer. Six minutes flew by, and I didn’t fell as stressed.

I think of reading as escaping reality and indulging in someone else’s life for a while. Where all of our worries and problems magically disappear, and we are simply a third party, living and experiencing another world. I think you should try this.



2009, 7:00AM BST 30 Mar. “Reading ‘can Help Reduce Stress'” The Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group, n.d. Web. 01 Dec. 2016.


4 Surprising Ways Reading Is Good For You. (2014). Daily Health Post. Retrieved 9 January 2017, from

Reading Overview of We Beat The Street By: Drs. Sampson Davis, George Jenkins, and Rameck Hunt

Being in twelfth grade, and having not read a singe book start to finish since I was the age of eleven is shocking to some, but to my peers and classmates, we are all in the same boat. For me, reading a book start to finish included lots of skimming, the skipping of many pages, and the occasional skipping of a chapter or two and relying on Spark Notes; this was my “normal.”  I finally found a book that captures my attention instead of immediately turning my attention towards other distractions. We Beat The Streets is not only a remarkable story of three inner-city boys fighting for the best education and lifestyle one can get in Newark, New Jersey, but it is also very inspiring. Having true, hard, suspenseful life stories from each of them makes me feel as if I’m living in the moment with each one. Since the gentlemen grew up in Newark, NJ, only 25 minutes from my town, makes the story even more inspiring and remarkable. I enjoy the fact that everything in this story is factual and true, and that makes reading about their journeys even more special. Only being about 60 pages or so into the book, very little has happened, but I already find myself being mesmerized page by page, and I begin to have the feeling of enjoyment and curiosity while reading, verses my old, bored and distracted self. For the first time, I’m eager to read more, while the old me, would have been eager to put the book down and search the story on Spark Notes.

Speaking passionately on what I know, and what I’m curious to learn; my reflection of my knowledge journey.

Everyone is different. Everyone has their own key components that makes them, them. Everyone is passionate about different things: sports, icons, foods, cultures, and more. However, the ability to teach others and enlighten them on what you know is truly amazing. Presenting second in my class out of 16 people was intimidating. The gentleman who shared his knowledge and interests before me, was very different from myself. But yet, at 8:00 am in the morning, I learned about ten new things, from him, that I wouldn’t have learned in any of my other core classes.

Some teenagers are able to master all levels in Call Of Duty with no problem; however, others, like myself, cant even figure out how to work the gaming controller.

The fact that everyone is different, coming from different places, backgrounds, and interests, is so interesting to learn about. Listening to someone talk about their passions and hopes is truly inspiring. I’ve known some of my classmates in my class for quite a while, but from this project, I now know them on a deeper level.

The assignment given to us by our teacher stated that we must come up with five things we feel we know, and can explain to the class on a deeper, more personal level; as well as five other thing we feel are still some-what unknown to us, but want to learn more about.

I must say, this was probably one of the hardest tasks I’ve ever been assigned. Coming up with five things I know, was very intimidating. What if I really didn’t know the topics I was going to explain to the class? What if I thought I knew what something was and meant, when in reality, I just took my personal experiences and didn’t think of others experiences in my class? What if I didn’t find common ground with anyone in my class and just confused everyone? But those very thoughts were what was holding me back. Others didn’t matter in my project. This was my project, consisting of the five things I know, and I want to learn. It’s was suppose to be personal, to me.

This project wasn’t assigned so we could each stand in front of the class and state a simple, broad definition of a topic; it was assigned to us so we could express the topics we each know, on our own deeper level.

After intense brainstorming to write my essay, I uncovered that I have the passion and determination to learn about heart break, stress, and the struggles of being in an all girl friend group, how to let go of hard grudges, and how to reduce fear.

I can also proudly talk about the amazing feeling of love, hope, friendship, ability to ask for help when in need, and world of memorization.

I really enjoyed this project because it gave me an outlet to share my thoughts and hopes for my future and what I want to learn and expand on. Explaining my knowledge journey to my class instilled a greater motivation within myself to learn the things that are currently unknown to me, and hearing their individual feedback, made me feel so much better about myself and my ability to enlighten others on my interests.

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And Their Eyes Glazed Over: Reaction

As I read, And Their Eyes Glazed Over, By Joelle Renstrom, I was immediately shocked at some of the actions these college kids were demonstrating. Now, being a senior in High School, I’ve become a master at procrastinating, so I know how it works and how hard it can be to overcome. Now usually, speaking for myself, once I realize I’m procrastinating and really need to get an assignment done, I USUALLY can pull my act together and get it done. I say usually in capital letters because there are some instances in which I cannot overcome my procrastination, and then I must deal with the consequences. I think I was especially shocked because these were college students. For me, as the author had thought and said as well, the motivation of my parent spending over $65,000 a year on tuition for me to get a prestigious education, would be enough for me to get my act together from the start; As well as continuing to obtain and uphold that stamina throughout school. “One might think that the whopping $65,000 cost of attending Boston University for a year would provide ample reason to maintain focus during class, but one would be wrong” (Joelle Renstrom.) I think students just don’t know how to conquer procrastination because sometimes it is difficult to become focused on school work when now there are things like Netflix, XBOX, and Hulu. It can be very hard to pull away from our “wants” and get back to our “needs. “I constantly procrastinate, leaving huge chunks of writing until the last minute, or sometimes until a few minutes past the last minute… Even now, on the last, easiest assignment, I left it until the last minute, and am still procrastinating. It’s 3 in the morning, and instead of consistently working on my portfolio, I’m watching a video review of a hammock. I’ve never even used a hammock” (Joelle Renstrom.)Especially in college, being one of four children, two that have already graduated college, and one currently a freshman at AU, I know the work load is ridiculous. All the courses, mid-terms, finals, papers, etc. can be a lot to juggle. After finishing this article, the author gave me lots of advice, such as dues and do not’s. I know it must be hard to get on track, but harder to stay on track. To handle the work load, but more importantly stay on top of the work given must be harder. But it is very important to try your best to manage and stay on top of your work. Procrastination is he biggest key point I took away from this article, and I fully agree with the author. This article no longer shocked me by the end, because it became an eye opener for me. I was surprised in the end that I actually enjoyed reading this article and had the stamina to rad the entire thing! I would definitely recommend this article to anyone who has an interest in reading it!